Sunday, September 29, 2013

31 Days

Given the sporadic nature of my blogging perhaps it's crazy to attempt to blog every day for the month of October with the Nester from Nesting Place... but I am. The idea is to blog for 31 days straight on the one topic. I didn't think I had a topic, turns out I do.

I have not been the all loving, all serene parent I would like to be. I have in fact yelled and smacked. I am not acting as I want as a person or a mother. I am trying to change my behaviour, and I'm hoping that committing to write and reflect on this issue every day for the next month will help.

I have a lot of parenting books and my plan is to pull a gem from one of them every day and report in on whether I managed to parent without losing my cool or not.


31 Days

day 1: Model Behaviour
day 2: Nonviolent Communication
day 3: Physical Closeness
day 4: To Punish or Not to Punish?
day 5: Riches of Heaven
day 6: Tantrums
day 7: I Won't Let You
day 8: I Love You Specially
day 9: Walk Away
day 10: Mitten Strings for God
day 11: Perspective 
day 12: Deserving 
day 13: Thankful
day 14: With Affection
day 15: Special 
day 16: Acknowledge Feelings 
day 17: Tired and Hungry 
day 18: Sportscasting 
day 19: Punished by Rewards
day 20: Take Time 
day 21: In Sickness 
day 22: Don't Take it Personally 
day 23: The Years are Short 
day 24: Home 
day 25: Ideal Parents  
day 26+27: Humour
day 28: Long View

day 29: Routine 
day 30: CTFD Method of Parenting
day 31: Conclusions 


  1. Very positive behaviour, I am impressed. I wonder how Charlie is going to cope. I really do feel for you and hope, his behaviour becomes as good as yours. : ) GO GIRL AND THE BEST OF LUCK. Love U from Me.

  2. That will be interesting! Pearl's pearls of parenting wisdom? Good luck!

  3. Good luck. Ill be following and maybe picking up a few tips. I have never smacked but yelling is happening more often than I would like.
