I have a new ironing board cover! and when the text looks like its receding to a point it reminds me slightly of the intro to star wars. Anyway, I made it myself, and I'm very happy to have an FO to show you all (finished object - for those of you still learning your bloggy acronyms like me).
I was inspired to start this blog because of all the crafty blogs and mommy blogs I like to read, but I'm a bit slow on cranking out the projects, and we don't have any children yet, so its neither, but here is a crafty offering.
All I did was clip the elastic of the existing cover so I could lay it flat on my new fabric. The elastic had already gone, and was the reason I was replacing the cover (apart from the awful fabric).
I traced around with a lead pencil allowing for hem, and cut out. I should have thought to fold the cover and fabric in half first, but I didn't until I had started cutting it out and realised the sides were not equal. Easily fixed, fold and recut. Then all I did was sew the hem with room for the elastic, and thread through the elastic. I didn't even sew closed the hem opening. That could be laziness, but if I ever need to replace the elastic again, no unpicking :)
I'm looking forward to using my new ironing board without the cover lifting every time I move my ironing. Yay! anything that makes ironing less of a chore is a good thing, plus I think its really cute and will look so much better in our flat. I also sewed proper batting to the board to replace the ridiculously thin piece of foam that it came with.
hey maggie- this is so cool. i love this fabric! wish i could find it here. thanks for visiting! your blog looks like so much fun! i´ll be back! happy weekend! jane