Friday, February 1, 2013


After a long seven weeks away we are now all home. Slowly finding our way. Little Mia is a pretty good sleeper so far and I go to bed when I put her and Charlie down for the night so I feel well and rested enough.

When we first got home though I found myself hormonal and struggling with Charlie not being my baby any more. Did any of you find that? I really missed him and felt like I'd somehow lost him/lost his babyhood.

It's okay, I know they don't stay babies forever, it's just an adjustment I'm going through. I needn't have worried about being stuck on the couch for 40 minutes while breastfeeding though. Little Miss feeds for between 5 and 10 mins and she is done! I do find I'm feeding her nearly hourly though.

Counting our blessings at having two healthy, beautiful babes.



  1. And so your belly series is complete! So glad to hear that you are all home at last. It is such a huge emotional adjustment, that leap from one to two children, for mama and firstborn both. Sounds like little Miss Mia is making things easy - what a champion feeder! xxx

  2. congrats to you! she's lovely. . . and what an impressive size. go you!

    i remember sneaking off with aila for a quick ice cream when elliot was only a few weeks old. that short time to reconnect was so precious. now here i am i'm going through a similar thing trying to imagine elliot not being my baby anymore!

    rachel xo

  3. Oh congrats that is so so beautiful and coming here made me all what a beautiful little fam you are xx
