Wednesday, July 20, 2011

$700 +

Here is a collection of things I would much rather spend $700 on rather than my 'WTF' how did that happen?!! phone bill.

Hang it all

Ptolomeo standing bookcase
Image source [Apartment Therapy]

I wasn't sure if this exercise would make me feel better or worse. I trawled my pinterest boards for things that I want and it appears I'm really not that wanty, so that is nice, but I still want to cry at the thought of all the other bills we need that $700 for.

Telstra please take pity on my stupid ass. The stupid ass that should have looked at the call rates when it changed carriers. I have never, ever, even come close to getting near my cap in the past, let alone blown past it by over seven hundred dollars.

Pretty please

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


We're more than halfway through July and I'm posting my June mosaic.


June was
:: a month of panic
:: knowing we had a short number of days at our current rental
:: a flying trip to our new town and a lease agreement signed
:: one week to move
:: unpacking


Only having photos for 9 days out of 31 gives you an idea about how I'm keeping up. But I shan't be discouraged, I can always be better next month.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Weekend

2011 0717

Camping plans were scrapped due to a rainy weekend forecast, so we had our first overnight guests instead. Our guests were forced to endure an icy cold house until an unspeakably manly fire guard (weld mesh) was forthcoming from the man cave shed and the new chainsaw had its mettle tested on old mallee roots. Oh a roaring fire does the soul good!

Charlie enjoyed having other kids about the house livening things up and putting joke glasses on him.

Hope you all managed to stay warm

Thursday, July 7, 2011



Well we've sucked it and seen.... and we love it! The move went as well as we could have hoped and we are pretty settled in the new place. The Mr is particularly happy as he has been able to set up his tools and bits in a shed. I'm not too sad about getting a craft room either :)

Have you heard of the Shirley club? Well our region has a Margaret club! I will be Margaret 57 once I get my badge, I came to town just in time to make their bi-annual lunch on Monday. I was by far the youngest, but I love the older ladies and I can't wait till the CWA meeting at the end of the month.

This one was for you Mum, Happy Birthday! Love you xx
