Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Good Bye Granny

 We farewelled my last grandparent on the weekend. My Mother's Mother.



Our Granny was a funny lady and I'm glad I got to know her a little better in these last couple of years. After starting a family of my own I became more interested in my extended family.

My crafty gene probably got passed down from her, and after I take some decent photos I'll show you some of the stuff she gave me when she had a clean out.

Love you Granny. Mx


  1. So sorry to hear about your Granny.
    I too have lots of handmade treasures from my Grandmas that I love using as much as I can.


  2. So sorry to hear this Maggie. After becoming a mother I often wished my grandmas were still around to ask questions of. I have a cookbook from one Grandma with her handwritten recipes and a few kitchen things. The chair I sit in to write belonged to her. I am sure your Granny loved seeing you become a mother with Charlie. xx
