Thursday, June 28, 2012


I have been on Instagram for a while now. I don't post photos very often, much like this blog...
but I do love how the photos turn out, here is a little collection of my favourites.

Instagram mosaic

You can find me on Instagram under pearlschell or if you don't have an Iphone there is always Statigram.

Do you Instagram too?


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Catching up with April

I am going to knock my Mum's socks off with two posts in as many days. A small thank you for saving me while the Mr was away over the long weekend with country week hockey. Thanks Mum!

April Mosaic

 April included:

:: Many days away from home
:: Charlie's first egg hunt
:: Enjoying the last open day at the pool
:: A family funeral
:: Packing and sorting away things left behind
:: A fun engagement party in a posh neighbourhood
:: A merciless taunt against a diehard Eagles supporter in Toronto
:: Hockey

Might be a bit hard to make a mosaic for May, I've hardly had the inclination to get the camera out, but fingers crossed I'm coming out of the first trimester fog, it is past 9 o'clock and I'm still out of bed!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Catching up with March

Playing catch-up but falling further behind...

March Mosaic

All of this feels like it was a lifetime ago so much has happened since,
but, in March:

:: we took our planned family holiday, just the three of us, nice but not relaxing
:: we stopped on the way home and reconnected with an estranged grandmother
:: played closing day tennis
:: said our last goodbyes to the Ian's stepmother

A big month. Hopefully I'll catch up with April soon.
